This site is about Microsoft Windows internals and, as its content will grow with time, it will
feature both tools and technical articles.
If you are interested in peering under the hood of your OS, then you may find something of
interest here.
 What Makes It Page? Enrico's new book on the Windows Virtual Memory Manager is on sale at Amazon. Covering the Windows 7 x64 implementation of the VMM, this book includes plenty of original material and undocumented details on the cogs and gears of the VMM.
Click here to find out more or here to read a review from Dr.Dobb's.
The book sample programs can be downloaded here.
Recent updates
May 2013
A new version (ver 1.1) of Test Filter is available. This version includes a fix for a nasty bug and has been updated to work on Windows 7.
Click here to go to the page for Test Filter.